U.S.S. Chesapeake
Star Trek & SF Club

We are an independent Star Trek/science fiction/comics/fantasy group located in
the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.


Calendar 2024

July - We are looking forward to another very successful Shore Leave convention, the first in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, from July 26-28! Also, we currently meet every other Saturday evening online on Zoom. If you would like to receive more information about the club, please be sure to contact Lorenzo Heard at dctrekfan@aol.com.

Check It Out!

The Sisko Day!

The U.S.S. Chesapeake Ship

Our ship, the U.S.S. Chesapeake, as designed by John Staton.
Copyright 1992 - 2024.



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Get the latest in sci-fi/genre news at sciencefiction.com.

About Us

Meet club members as drawn by a portrait artist.


Be sure to download the issues of our club’s monthly publication here.

Winner of the
Volker-McChesney Award
at Farpoint 2009

What We Do

We often participate in area SF/Star Trek conventions by conducting discussion panels on topics of interest. We recently completed a number of  panels atTrek Long Island. Stay tuned for more on our next con coming soon!

Every other Saturday night of each month, the club holds our regular meeting. We often gather via a ZOOM meeting online. For information on attending, please contact Lorenzo Heard at dctrekfan@aol.com.

You can still read Captain Randy Hall’s latest “Fan Film Friday” review column at fanfilmfollies.com.

Copyright (c) 2024. U.S.S. Chesapeake. All Rights Reserved.
Updated 7/5/2024 by Wayne Hall.